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This is Are Friend Jack help the North Western Zebra dog You might think that this is a normal dog but the North Western Zebra Dog is a wild dog and it's prey is not dog food it is Animals.


If you wont to adoped a zebra dog it would be 59.99 a month if you keep them as a pet you need to feed them twice a day.l If you dont then they will start to get realy angery at there owner. they need to be tolken on walks and out side daley .


Donate 25 cents a day or $3.25 a week  for 2 months and you can earn a Zebra blanket  and pillow for free if you donate 25 centsa day for a month you will get a blanket or  a pillow for free but just one of them Call now today to save the zebra dogs call this number 1-800-Help-Dog.

Tell people to look out the North Western Zebra dogs to save them.  Do you want to help us? Then make us a video of you helping a North Western Zebra dog.

Get Involved

News 1

Jack helped a Intesent Man escape a fire in July/12/ 2011.

News 2

Then jack helped a little girl escape a fire at her house in June/23/2009.

News 3

Jack also helped  a Family out of a burening house in November/28/2005.

This is Jack he helpes Fire Fighters in New York and Pekin,ILL Bloominton,ILL Wasington D.C. They are good Pets because they help Fire Fighters and they will keep you save if someone trys to harm you they will bark at them to warn you that someone is comeing to get them.

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